Entry #70
Ginza "Rice Paddy Everywhere" Project
Jun Kikuchi
Masataka Tanaka
Kazuharu Motohashi

A proposal to convert underutilized spots in Ginza into rice fields. Increases greenery within the city, while simultaneously producing commercially valuable agricultural output. The need to maintain the rice fields may also create employment opportunities for the economically disadvantaged.
- Metadata:
• The degree to which advanced technologies (including IT) are used
1 (Low-tech) 1 - 2 - 3 (High-tech) -
• Site-specificness: The degree to which the idea targets a specific locale
1 (Site-agnostic/universal) 1 - 2 - 3 (Site-specific) -
• Degree of commercial potential
1 (Strictly for public good) 1 - 2 - 3 (May profit some parties involved) -
• Time scale of citizen-led changes to cities enabled by the idea
3 (Short-term change) 1 - 2 - 3 (Long-term change) -
• Geographic scale of citizen-led changes to cities enabled by the idea
3 (Small-scale change) 1 - 2 - 3 (Large-scale change) -
• Hurdles toward participation, from a citizen’s perspective
1 (Anyone can participate) 1 - 2 - 3 (Requires expertise, time, money, etc.)